Three thousand six hundred eleven flood policies are active in Baltimore, Maryland. Baltimore has $3,908,741 in written premiums, which makes the average flood rate $1,082.
Calvert, Maryland, has an average flood rate of $878. The premiums here total $485,548 with 553 policies active.
$735 is the average flood rate in Chesapeake Beach, Maryland. Chesapeake Beach has 180 flood policies in effect with $132,321 in written premiums.
The average flood rate drops to $534 in North Beach, Maryland. North BBeach’spremiums total $57,107 with 107 active flood policies.
One hundred five flood policies are active in Caroline, Maryland. Caroline has $72,471 in flood premiums which allows the average flood rate to be $690.
Now let’s look at a group of areas that include Federalsburg, Elkton, and North East, Maryland. These areas have $214,155 in written premiums. The active flood policies, number 151, allow the average flood rate to be $1,418.
The average flood rate drops to $961 in Carroll, Maryland. Carroll has 180 flood policies in effect with $172,902 in flood premiums.
$646,913 is the flood premium total in Cecil, Maryland. Cecil has an average flood rate of $1,388, including 466 active flood policies.
The average flood rate drops to $232 in Perryville, Maryland. Perryville has 155 flood policies in effect with $35,912 in flood premiums.
Port Deposit, Maryland, has 177 flood policies active with $90,307 in written premium. Port Deposit has an average flood rate of $510.
In Charles, Maryland, the average flood rate rises to $754. Charles active flood policies number 670 with $505,008 in flood premiums.
189 is the total of flood policies in effect in Cambridge, Maryland. Cambridge has an average flood rate of $529, including $99,901 in total premiums.
Now, look at Dorchester, Maryland, where the premiums total $1,111,398. The active flood policy number 1,283 allows the average flood rate to be $866.
There are 592 flood policies in effect in Frederick, Maryland. Frederick has an average flood rate of $1,024, including $606,483 in written premiums.
Garrett and Aberdeen, Maryland’s premiums add up to $117,754. The policies here, number 142, allow the average flood rate to be $829.
Bel Air, Gaithersburg, and Hagerstown, Maryland, have an average flood rate of $868. The premiums here total $130,256, with 150 flood policies in effect.
$705 is the average flood rate for Harford, Maryland. Harford has 442 flood policies active with $311,818 in flood premiums.
In Havre De Grace, Maryland, the active policies number 394 with $300,384 in written premium. The average flood rate for Havre De Grace is $762.
One thousand eighty-one flood policies are active in Howard, Maryland. The average flood rate in Howard is $730, which includes $789,036 in flood premiums.
Hello Baltimore! Glad you all stopped by! The average flood rate for Baltimore, Maryland is $759. The premiums in Baltimore total $2,133,333, with 2,810 flood policies in effect.
Next up is Chestertown, Maryland, where the active flood policies number 102. The premiums in Chestertown total $114,264, which allows the average flood rate to be $1,120. Give us a call, Chestertown!
The average flood rate drops to $833 in Kent, Maryland. The premiums here total $209,937 with 252 active flood policies.
Check out Rock Hall, Maryland, where the premiums total $210,637. The flood policies total 236, allowing the average flood rate to be $893.
Again, the average flood rate drops to $560 in Montgomery, Maryland. Montgomery has 1,958 flood policies in effect with $1,096,400 in written premium.
Rockville, Maryland, has 136 flood policies active with $59,670 in flood premiums. The average flood rate in Rockville is $439.
The average flood rate rises to $1,150 in Laurel, Maryland. Laurel has $228,810 in flood premiums with 199 active flood policies.
Three thousand three hundred forty-three flood policies are active in Prince Georges’s, Maryland. Prince Georges has $2,318,081 in total premiums, which allows the average flood rate to be $693.
Next is Queen Annes, Maryland, where the average flood rate is $607. The premiums in Queen Annes total $1,379,894 which includes 2,272 active flood policies.
$775 is the average flood rate in Crisfield, Maryland. Crisfield has 560 flood policies active with $434,212 in flood premiums.
Somerset, Maryland, has 1,331 active flood policies. The premiums here total $1,087,037, allowing the average flood rate to be $817.
The average flood rate rises to $859 in St. Marys, Maryland. St. Marys has 1,258 flood policies in effect and $1,080,651 in total premiums.
In Easton, Maryland, the premiums total $65,741 with 115 active flood policies. Easton has an average flood rate of $572.
Three hundred nine policies are active in Oxford, Maryland. Oxford has $243,894 in written premiums which allows the average flood rate to be $789.
St. Michaels, Maryland next. The active flood policies number 147 with $126,663 in written premium. The average flood rate in St. Michaels is $862.
$655 is the average flood rate in Talbot, Maryland. Talbot has 1,614 flood policies in effect with $1,057,707 in flood premium.
The average flood rate rises to $837 in Washington, Maryland. Washington’spremiums total $225,243 with 269 active flood policies.
Salisbury, Maryland, has 252 flood policies with $262,927 in written premiums. The average flood rate in Salisbury is $1,043. Give us a call, Salisbury!
Four hundred seventy-four policies are active in Wicomico, Maryland. Wicomico has $292,306 in premiums which allows the average flood rate to be $617.
Ninety policies are active in Berlin, Maryland. Berlin has an average flood rate of $136, including $44,094 in total premiums.
Hello Ocean City! You all have the highest flood policies in the state, with 26,000 active policies. The premiums in Ocean City, Maryland, total $7,588,911, which allows the average flood rate to be $292.
Finally, let’s look at Worcester, Maryland, where the policies number 5,312 with $3,019,760 in flood premiums. The average flood rate in Worcester is $568.
Thanks for checking out all the flood information on Maryland!!