Feedback of: Didn’t purchase this property.
Sometimes, not getting the property you wanted can be a blessing in disguise.
Keep persevering.
When you find your perfect home, we hope you’ll protect it with flood insurance.
Flooding is a common risk, often more so than theft, fire, or vandalism. Protect your family and investment with the right coverage.
Thank you for considering BetterFlood.
Best of luck in your home search.
Quality First: We ensure our providers offer robust, reliable flood coverage.
Coverage Sweet Spot: We aim for $500-$1,500, balancing cost and quality. Allow up to 30 minutes for complex properties.
Super Low Quote Alert: Quotes under $500 from other insurance brokers often mean weaker coverage. You get what you pay for.
Complimentary Quote Audit: We review competitors’ policies to ensure you get optimal, future-securing coverage.
Ultimate Emergency Preparedness Radio:
Terms and Conditions:
The promotion runs from 7/1/2024 to 7/30/2024.
One entry per household.
Property must require flood insurance and or you must intend to purchase a policy.
The winner will be selected randomly and notified via email.
No need to purchase from us to win.